Radial Shockwave Therapy

Effective Radial Shockwave Therapy in Miranda NSW

What is Radial Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive therapy that accelerates healing and reduces pain in various acute and/or chronic pain conditions such as Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, Patella tendinopathy, lateral epicondylalgia (tennis elbow), De Quervain’s syndrome and Shoulder bursitis.

How does RST work?

Shockwave therapy involves applying a series of high-energy pneumatic percussions to the area being treated. These shockwaves travel through the target tissue, mechanically stimulating it to encourage cellular activity, accelerate tissue repair, tissue remodelling, cell growth, analgesia and mobility restoration. 

How Many Treatments Are Required?

Typical treatment involves 2-6 sessions at weekly intervals. Each treatment session is approximately 5-10 minutes to perform. There are no side effects to Radial Shockwave therapy. You may feel mild pain or discomfort during or immediately after treatment, but this subsides quickly. It is advisable to avoid strenuous activity for 48 hours after treatment.

Radial Shockwave Therapy — Miranda, NSW — Pinpoint Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine

What Can RST Treat?

Radial shockwave therapy can be used to treat a range of conditions and injuries affecting muscles and tendons. Some of the more common conditions we can treat include:

  • Tendonitis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Shin splints
  • Heel spurs
  • Acute Muscle injuries
  • And more

Call our experts today to discuss your needs - we will assess your condition and recommend the best approach for you.

Call our experienced team on 02 8582 7682 to discuss your treatment plan.

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